Reflections 2011-2012
Reflections 2011-2012 Theme - Diversity Means...
Congratulations to J. Aranov who received the NYS PTA Award of Merit for his photograph!
Congratulations to J. Aranov who received the NYS PTA Award of Merit for his photograph!
Congratulations to our GVPTA Regional Winners!
Congratulations to our GVPTA Regional Winners!
Submissions from the following students were selected to move on for judging at the New York State PTA level.
Literature – J. Bassney, M. Vick
Photography – J. Aranov (2 entries)
Visual arts – D. Fanto
PHS PTSA Participants received certificates at the Genesee Valley PTA regional reception on February 9th.
Congratulations to all our PHS PTSA Participants!!
Congratulations to all our PHS PTSA Participants!!
Submissions from the following students were selected to move on for judging at the Genesee Valley PTA regional level.
Literature – J. Bassney, M. Vick
Photography – J. Aranov (3 entries)
Visual arts – D. Fanto, D. Kearns, S. Jolley
Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
Click here to view all 2011-2012 entries from PHS and BT.