About Us

The New York State PTA believes that every child deserves excellence in education and in quality of life and the PTA Purposes below outline how this can be accomplished through PTA.

Each local PTA is an independent group that collaborates with its schools, planning its programs and activities to meet the needs of the children and youth in its community. All PTAs must adhere to the Purposes of PTA, Basic Policies and their bylaws. PTA is nonsectarian, noncommercial and nonpartisan. This means that we do not endorse a religion, product or person running for political office. PTA is a 501(c)(3) organization – a nonprofit organization operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Board members fulfill fiduciary duties to the organization and the members it serves. The PTA name is a registered service mark.

Because we are a national association, the structure and governance of PTA is very important. Each unit, council and region PTA has bylaws, elected officers and committees. The foundation of the organization is the PTA member and the local PTA unit. We are all part of the State and National PTA and can attend the conventions, workshops and leadership training opportunities. All PTA materials can be duplicated to share with members. Experienced PTA leaders who volunteer at the Region, State and National PTA levels provide support, encouragement, advice, programs, educational materials, publications, conferences, workshops and leadership training. PTA members are advocates for the well-being of children and youth and unit activities should always maintain this focus. PTA speaks for every child with one voice!


PTSA Check Request Form

PTSA Proceeds Report Form

PTSA Latest Financial Report