
The PTSA sends an e-newsletter 1-2 times per month. Please click here to join the mailing list.


The purpose of the PHS PTSA enews is to communicate information regarding PHS PTSA events, opportunities, and needs, to the PHS parent body. It is also available on a limited basis to communicate PHS administration, Penfield District, and PHS community news to the PHS parent and student bodies. It is intended to serve the goals of the PHS PTSA, and to address the informational needs of PHS parents.

Content Guidelines

Requests for inclusion should be sent to enews@penfieldptsa.org and meet the following guidelines:

Content/message should fall under one of the following umbrella areas:

    1. PTSA sponsored or related events

    2. Educational opportunities for parents and/or students

    3. Volunteer opportunities for PTSA

    4. PHS administrative information for all parents and/or students

    5. Penfield district-wide information for parents and/or students

The PHS PTSA has final editorial discretion in determining if the content request falls under one of these categories.

    • Content target audience should be the entire PHS parent body and/or student body, or the majority percentage of those bodies. If the content request targets a subset of the PHS community, parents/students of a specific class year, or specific clubs, teams, or activity groups, the PTSA reserves the right to decline the request.

    • Requests must be received by the content deadlines in the editorial calendar. Requests received after the content dates will not be included. If a request misses the previous content date, a new request must be made to be included in the next enews. Standing requests will not be accepted – a new request must be made for each enews placement.

    • All requests must be from an official PHS school, class, or student organization. Requests from non- PHS organizations will not be considered.

    • Content that includes advertisements for private businesses, or non-PHS organizations will not be included.

    • Please be mindful of repetition – if content has already been included in other PHS communications vehicles, please do not request additional placement in the PTSA enews.

Enews protocols

    • The PHS PTSA enews is sent by one of the designated enews editors from the high school. The enews editors are identified at the start of the year, and will hold that position for one full year.

    • The PHS PTSA enews is sent to all high school parents with valid emails in the PCSD Infinite Campus system, and is sent to the Infinite Campus email only. Parents can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of the enews, or by sending an email requesting to be unsubscribed to the PHS PTSA enews editor.

    • Each enews issue reviewed by the PHS PTSA president or vice president prior to sending.